So this question keeps arising in our mind that what would happen if the human size would be shrunk as that of tiny ants. So let’s look and check out it.
I will try to answer this question from all the possible probable backgrounds ways:-
- If a human's size would be small as that of an ant then the resource consumption would automatically lower down.
- On the contrary, lowering this resource would also simultaneously decrease the poverty levels.
- Pollution level will also decrease due to this.
- But problems may arise in the case of energy generation, unable to explore the world, space exploration would be restricted, so the manpower would automatically decrease.
- For eating non-veg items like poke meat, beef meat, human civilization would have to suffer a lot.
- Also, we face challenges in the case of milk, crops(rice, maize, etc), so humans have to develop such kinds of crops which may be far smaller plant size otherwise it will be a very sophisticated task to manage our meals need.
- After shrunk to the size of ants, defense sectors would have to struggle a lot.
- Since at least 10–20 soldiers would be required for the safety of one house, due to the many attacks that may be done by the animals, ants, snakes, etc.
- So after shrunk to the size of ants, humans may fall down from the top of the food chain to the bottom of the food chain.
- It will become very much tougher to go to America or any country which we wanna go for minerals, even 20–25km would become very much difficult.
- It would very difficult for humans to survive from any of the natural calamities.
- If flood would come then it might ruin out the whole country or whole human civilization from the earth.
- If volcanic eruptions or quakes would occur it will be very dangerous and life-threatening.
- A slight storm or hurricane would ruin the whole country.
- Saving the lives of humans become challenging by the government, the army, etc.
- The communications sector is a diverse, competitive, and interconnected industry using terrestrial, satellite, and wireless transmission systems.
- So if we assume that, all we managed to interconnect everyone through terrestrial means, but the satellite communication would not be possible for the humans after shrunk.
It breaks down into many subject domains. These ones come to mind:
- Neurology — how small can an animal be and still have human-like intelligence?
- Scale — how do the interactions of tiny animals with the earth, wind, and the rest of our surroundings differ from those of big ones?
- Anatomical engineering — how do animal bodies scale?
- Perception — what can small animals with human-like senses — ears and eyes, mostly — perceive that big one cannot, and big ones perceive that small ones cannot?
- An ant has far fewer brain cells than a human, so is much less intelligent. Shrinking humans to ant-size is a staple of soft science fiction, but is it really possible?
- Ants fall through the air much more slowly, than we do, so aren’t killed or injured by falls from any height.
- The surface tension of water is so great relative to their strength that ants get stuck in drops of water.
- So if we were ant-sized, we wouldn’t worry about falling but would worry about getting stuck to things. Jumping from a 100 m height isn’t dangerous, but getting caught in the open in ordinary rain would likely be fatal.
- Humans’ primary sense is sight. So a linear scale decrease in human size would actually increase our visual acuity at the same rate, so our eyes will behave like a simple microscope.
- As most biological processes, including nerve activity and movement, is faster in small animals than large ones, it’s reasonable to speculate that they’d be faster than us.
- We would then look forward to increasing our population as there would be no problems with limited resources.
- Also, we would need a substitute for chicken which could be something like Tandoori amoeba or roasted caterpillar wings may be 😄.
- We can’t hunt, we are discriminated by size, so we are mostly plant-eaters. We have to guard ourselves against getting eaten or simply accidentally torn to pieces from bigger animals, or …the wind.
- The human cardiovascular system relies on pressure gradients equilibrated at one atmosphere.
- In short, shrinking humans 100 times will completely mess up with every biochemical process in the body. Nothing would work as expected anymore. We wouldn’t survive.
- If humans suddenly became as small as ants, we would die very quickly.
- It’s hard to tell if humans would develop the same kind of sophisticated civilization with the same advanced technology. It’s quite possible.