How long it will take to replace “classical computers” with “quantum computers”?

First, let’s try to understand the basic difference between quantum computers and classic computers:-
Quantum Computers
- It calculates data using qubits, where we can deal with 0 and 1 simultaneously at the same time.
- Here processing power increases exponentially to the number of qubits.
- Quantum computers are very much sensitive towards temperature, qubits heat up quickly so keeping them cool is a challenge. The current operating temperature of quantum computers is 0.015 Kelvin or -273C. So a slight variation of temperature can give us errors in calculations.
- Top applications of quantum computers are in:-
a). Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
b). Drug Design & Development
c). Cryptography(for encrypting data)
d). Data analysis and simulations.
Classical Computers
- It calculates using transistors which can represent either 0 or 1.
- Power increases at same or equal rate(1:1) with equivalent increase of numbers transistors.
- Classical computers have low error rates, and can even operate at temperature higher or lower than the room temperature.
- We all know the applications of classic computers in huger areas in today 21st century.
Conclusion of Bringing quantum computing home
- Quantum computers are highly specalised with limited tools available.
- Programming of quantum computers is an incredibly difficult problem, with conceptual strangeness and complexity never seen before.
- Quantum computers are thought to be very fast for a particular type of problem.
- Rather than replacing classical computers, quantum computers will work in integrated manner with classical computers. Thus, if quantum computing is possible, I expect that we will see quantum computing coprocessors in classical computers.
- But quantum computers and classical computers are meant to solve different kinds of problems. There are some probems that are well suited for quantum computers and some problems that are well suited for classical computers.
- Also it will be very expensive to operate quantum computers at home as they work using qubits, very few people can afford a quantum computer. Most homes are provided with maximum of 200Amps of current carrying capacity at 230V or 110V. So there is simply not enough power in a typical home to run the refrigeration needed to keep the operating temperatures of almost 0.015 Kelvin or -273C.
- But one advantage of quantum computer is that they consume(less power consumes) an average power of 25KW while a traditional supercomputers power consumption is around 3000KW.
- Quantum Computers may replace supercomputers in some applications, such as large scale simulations. But its mot possible to see them in homes.
- IBM had already made it possible of bringing quantum computers at home, in 2016 IBM added a small quantum computer to the cloud. Anyone with an internet connection can design and run their own quantum circuits on this computer.
- As with the first home computers, there might be some problems that need to be solved with quantum computers but, as people play, I think it’s likely they will find that they need more power and more features. This will open the way for new applications that we haven’t yet imagined.
So why quantum computers are needed???

“Nature isn’t classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly it’s a wonderful problem, because it doesn’t look so easy.” -Richard Feynman
So that is why we need quantum computers for better dealing with the data of nature, as nature can not rely on only two outcomes it is widespread, and has many differentwide outcomes.